protect pensions

State-Specific Resources to Protect Pensions

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The fight to protect pensions is a national one, but the battles are fought state by state. NPPC works with state partners across the country to protect pensions from attacks by John Arnold, Pew, and their allies. Today we want to highlight some of the state-specific resources created by NPPC and its national partners that people in every state can use to protect pensions.

The Truth About John Arnold – along with our partners at Californians for Secure Retirement, NPPC maintains a website that tracks the spending of anti-pension billionaire John Arnold. He has spent more than $50 million of his personal fortune to attack public pensions. You can see which organizations in your state have taken his money as part of his anti-pension crusade.

National Association of State Retirement Administrators – NASRA is a national organization representing the people who manage public pension plans. NASRA is an excellent source for objective, unbiased information about public pensions. They maintain an extensive list of state-specific information about different public pension plans.

NIRS Financial Security Scorecards – the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) conducts research on retirement security and public pensions. They are a well-regarded resource for information on these issues. They also publish state-specific Financial Security Scorecards that assess how well-prepared for retirement people are in each state.

NIRS “Pensionomics” State Data – NIRS also publishes a report on the economic impact of public pension spending in each state. As part of their “Pensionomics” research report, they release individual data for each state on the economic benefits of public pensions.

AARP/NRTA/NIRS State Reports – NIRS has also collaborated with AARP and the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA) to create reports for each state regarding public pensions and retirement. These state reports are comprehensive, but concise; a quick way to get the main information you need about pensions and retirement security in each state.

NCPERS “Unintended Consequences” Report – the National Conference of Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) issued this report in May 2018. It examines how state and local tax revenues are impacted by changes to public pension plans. The report found that in the overwhelming majority of states, public pension plans generate tax revenue for state and local governments. The report contains excellent state-specific data.

NPPC State Pages – several of NPPC’s state coalitions maintain websites that they use in their fights to protect pensions. All of these state coalition pages are accessible through NPPC’s website,